Serving Others
Service is how we show God's love towards others. At Joshua's Crossing, we place a high priority on serving the community with our time, our love, and our generosity. We are not content with simply being in our world; we want to change it!

Operation Christmas Child
In the Christmas season of 2023, Joshua's Crossing partnered with Samaritan's Purse to donate over 2000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Having been carefully planned, personalized, and packaged by JC Partners, the boxes were then sent to children in impoverished nations along with a presentation of the Gospel. These shoeboxes are tangible representations of God's Love and open the door of Salvation to thousands of kids each year!
A few ways to get involved next year include donating items for packing, donating funds for shipping fees, packing your own box for shipping, or you can attend our annual Packing Party in the Fall. As we get closer to next Christmas season, be on the lookout for more information on our website and at Joshua's Crossing on Sundays!
For more information, contact: Melody Peters
(903) 821 - 5273
MasterKey Ministries
MasterKey Ministries of Grayson County Inc. is a nonprofit faith-based organization strengthening families by helping them overcome physical, educational, and spiritual obstacles to success. MasterKey focuses on the low-income and immigrant populations in our community, offering educational support for children, English proficiency for adults, and food assistance for all families in need. In addition to sending a standing team for weekly donation pickups, Joshua's Crossing volunteers four times a year to help with food distribution and logistical needs. Join us every fifth Saturday at MasterKey, 209 S Heritage Pkwy in Sherman.

Mission: Mexico
Joshua's Crossing has a supporting and ministry relationship with Pastor Nemius Ruiz in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. While 80% of the Mexican people are nominally Catholic, less than 12% are practicing Christians. Pastor Nemius' church has made incredible efforts to reach the lost of Mexico by offering a church home for all who are searching. Every summer, a team from Joshua's Crossing travels to Orizaba to assist the church in spreading the gospel on the city streets, providing manual labor for construction projects, and facilitating the yearly Vacation Bible School program, where over 400 children learn about the good news of Jesus.
To volunteer, contact: Melody Peters
(903) 821 - 5273
Helping Hands
Helping Hands is our ministry dedicated to serving widows and single ladies in our JC Family. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." In that spirit, we make sure that our widows and single ladies always have helping hands when it comes to automotive and home repair advice, estimates, and service with small projects. If you have an expertise in these (and other) practical areas or are part of our JC Family and are in need...
Contact: Mike Purinton
(903) 328 - 4983