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Sunday Morning Children's Ministries

Volunteer leaders helping parents guide their children through each phase of spiritual growth and relationship to God, others, and the church.

Babies through Pre-K 'Lil Kidz experience church as a fun and safe place. During these years, kidz experience the wonder of God's love and friendship for them, their leaders, and others.

JC 'Lil Kidz


Kindergarten thrugh third graders know the church as a fun, safe, and friendly place where they get to explore God's Big Story and apply it to their everyday lives. Their leaders represent the church to kidz and families as they serve.

JC Kidz


Fourth through sixth graders know the church as a place to develop forever friendships with God and others. Their leaders continue to help PreTeenz apply God's Word and have fun as they navigate their journey to Teen-hood!

JC Preteenz

7201 FM 691 Denison, TX

(903) 870-8048

Sundays at 8, 9:25, and 10:50

Joshua's Crossing

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